Monday, August 16, 2010

Leather Tuscdaro

Mullets are hypocritically maligned in this day an age....why? Come on, admit you had one! OR you had the equivalent! Everyone is on the watch for mullets now. "Business in the front and Party in the back" we all find it hilarious! Halloween costumes are made around the wigs! We all laugh.

Taking a step back and over 20 years ago I was bored with my Dorothy Hamil cut my mom was excited to give me. In exasperation, mom took me to the stylist and said "Give her something different.". I ended up with a mullet. I boldly say I am not ashamed! Though I do regret the decision. I didn't like the cut, bothered me. But it got worse. Because the next day at school, I was taunted at school with "Leather Tuscadaro".

Thinkk back fair friends to Happy Days when we as America were bored with the guys and Pinky stole Fonzi's heart, and her little sister showed up....Leather! Yah....that was me! For weeks. I am sure the poor actress is a wonderful person but I really had a 12 year old's petty hatred for her and her STUPID hair!

When I have heard "don't worry, it will grow out" as a response to a bad haircut, I struggle with that. It takes FOREVERRR for it to grow out....and the pain is endless. The next time a mullet is mocked, be mindful of the "mullet" you had when your hair was at its worst.

Just Me

1 comment:

Kim Thompson said...

I just about pissed myself laughing!