Monday, August 9, 2010

Underwearless Dog at 11!

Funny to me is the human condition gone awry. I mean really...someone trips, farts, gets hit in the groin, or is scared we laugh. And that is a wonderful thing.

Unfortunately there have been times when torturing people just for my own laughs has been tooo pleasurable. Getting the polling volunteer to sign "God Bless America" the first time my sister voted, betting my husband wouldn't let the dogs out naked, and chasing my youngest with the swiffer.

It is the reason why Candid Camera morphed into America's Funniest Home Videos which is now surpassed by You Tube. The other day I was chasing my youngest down the street sans undergarments, a chicken strip in my hand with the neighbor lady yelling "Your dog got out!"....I knew that I was going to be on You Tube as the Underwearless Dog Chaser!

You want to look! Just Me