Sunday, January 18, 2009

One small thought...

Well, as small of a thought that I can give.

Why does an Ambulance have the word Ambulance on the front of it spelled backwards? OK OK...I see all the hands raised...I know you do I.

It was done like that so that when you are driving you will be able to identify what vehicle is behind you. So lets look at that. You are driving down the road....and you hear this ROAR...not of noise but I am sure 8 cyl & a HUGE engine coming up on you. Forget they have a siren that was made to shake you up even OVER my cd of MY Perogative at volume 40, but there are friggin LIGHTS.

So I ask again....why does an Ambulance have the word Ambulance on the front of it spelled backwards. I may be over symplifying it...but I don't really give a shit what it is. At 15 (of whenever permits are given out now, one of the first rules you learn is regardless where you are or what direction they are coming, you pull safely to the side of the road when you see ANY Emergency Vehicle. EMT, Fire Truck, Police Car, Ben & Jerry delivery truck (sorry, my own Emergency vehicle) friggin move. You don't wait until you can read the damn word, you just pull over.

I can imagine the conversation which would occur when the officer tickets you for NOT pulling over for an Ambulance..."Well, I thought it was an Ambulance, but wasn't sure. I was WAITING to read the sign to see whether it was an Ambulance, THEN I would have pulled over". Right! I guess the lights, the speed AND the siren take AWAY my need to see the bloody (no pun intended) words over the grill of the vehicle.

Then don't get me started for those dumb asses who DON'T move. I watched at one point a Fire Engine trying to make a turn from the far right hand lane because the people in the left lane wouldn't move. I pointedly watched the driver's face. I was impressed not to see him mouthing vulgarities! Just get out of the damn way regardless of the vehicle.

Nuff said.
Be good to you.

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