Sunday, November 23, 2008


Years ago the word HYPOCRITE was thrown out as an insult. HOW DARE YOU...that is horrific to criticize what I do when you do the same without any thought towards remorse.

In college my friend & I just owned it...we sat in our dorm room & decided...yup...we ARE happily hypocritical. We felt relieved. Honored. Pious. Why not? We were willing to admit that YES you are an idiot and I am going to mock you for what you do even though I do it as well. Beyond pointing out how wrong it is that you are doing it, we are going to ENJOY mocking you for it. People were shocked. I still look back & wonder at either our egoism or naiviate. But we felt justified point out flaws because we OPENLY ADMITTED that we had flaws. It just seemed logical.

Things haven't changed over the years. I know I have rationalized the attitude over the years! "I see stupid people. They are everywhere but they don't know they are stupid!". So it feels like a public service now. To qualify, I was raised in a home where you would have an option to mock or be mocked. I mentioned to someone yesterday that it truly was an Olympic event. As we got older, the sphere of mocking extended to cousins. It became a global event if you did not mention an incident first. I can't think of any of my early exploits which were training events for my mocking....but I am sure many of them came when I began drinking at 19. Before anyone becomes outraged, my mom was Canadian. The drinking age in British Columbia is 19. SO with all of my eager cousins, we would commute to the Vancouver suburbs and LEGALLY drink.

One situation that comes to mind is my first school reunion. I went to kindergarden in the town where my mom grew up. Now this town is sooooo small that they didn't have high school reunions for specific classes, they simply had annual school reunions. So I was eligible to attend. I cannot recall what I drank...but the 15 hour drive home was brutal. 2 hours before we arrived home, I crawled out of the back seat to drive. My brother & my mother mocked me because I was so hung over I only drove 2 hours. During the time my family drove, they competed to see who could drive the longest at 90 & 100 miles per hour. I get behind the wheel & 30 minutes later, I am pulled over & ticketed for driving 67. Yah. Needless to say it was a quiet ride home. Arriving home, my brother gleefully told of how he drove so fast & that I got ticketed.

It was a stupid thing. But we celebrate it. So I feel enlightened to mock others. Now my sister has a MOCKER dance. I cannot describe it. But even thinking of it now, I giggle. She embraces the ability to mock people. It is a celebration of our greatness....and a minimizing of yours. Every so often I feel a twinge of guilt when I see the bumper sticker which states "Mean people suck" be truthful I do, but that has no bearing on any relationship other than mine & my husband's. But I digress....I feel I am NOT mean pointing out the blatent humor of the lesser people in my world. The guy who was so mad that I passed him that he (doing 60 mph on the freeway) leaned out his door to flip me off. How can you NOT mock him? Come on, you snicker at stuff like that.

I will not mock people who are legitimately challenged, in pain or suffering. That is not fair. But if you are able minded, able bodied and within my realm doing stupid things....YEEEE HA! Sometimes I even wait for you all to catch yourselves. We were talking one day at lunch about Sweedish fish. A friend (who indeed is blonde) said "How do you fix those?". I paused. Hoping she was setting us up for a joke. My conversation companion & I waited for the qualifier from her acknowledging she was joking, but alas none came. SO we dove in. "Well, you cook yours with lemon & dill?". "That is good Heather, sometimes I put them on the grill". Everyone was laughing as we did this. Then my friend figured it out & was almost contrite. But come on.....who doesn't know what Sweedish fish are? No one is safe.

Nor am I. I know that I have tons of things to accentuate my stupidity. I don't have the time to share the yarn about my car's cd player in Hip Hop mode so it skipped more. I admit the stupidity of a trainer, I have shared that story in at least 50 classes. HAH....I do it before anyone else can. I celebrate my stupidity! Why shouldn't I celebrate YOURS?

Be good to you!

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